
Bold decision pays off for international nursing student
Nikasha N Dicks
/ Categories: Press Releases

Bold decision pays off for international nursing student

Making a bold move during an uncertain time has paid off for nursing student Ismat Hasan.

A Canadian citizen, Hasan worked as a licensed practical nurse in Ontario for several years when she became interested in working in a hospital setting.

“In Canada, you need to be an RN to get into hospitals. So, I just thought it was time to upgrade,” said Hasan.

As she continued to work, she began applying to nursing schools. She and her family had previously spent time in north Georgia for her husband’s work. Having enjoyed their previous stay in the south, Hasan also applied to schools in the southern parts of the U.S., including Aiken Technical College.

Then came the COVID-19 pandemic.

Instead of postponing her educational goals, she became more motivated to increase her skill set to help others as a nurse. She was excited when she was accepted to Aiken Tech to begin the prerequisite courses for the Associate in Applied Science: Nursing (RN) program.

Since enrolling at Aiken Tech, Hasan has taken an active role in and outside the classroom. She was inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, an international honor society for two-year colleges, and has held officer positions.

She is a 2022 New Century Workforce Scholar, a program sponsored by The Coca-Cola Foundation and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. New Century Workforce Scholars are selected based on their academic accomplishments, leadership, activities, and how they extend their intellectual talents beyond the classroom. Only one New Century Workforce Scholar is selected per state each year.

Hasan is among a select group of students from Aiken Tech chosen to participate in the nursing externship program with Aiken Regional Medical Centers for the 2023-2024 academic year.

She is also a 2023 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Hurst Review NCLEX® Scholarship recipient. As one of only 12 in the country selected, she received Hurst Review study materials to help prepare for the NCLEX® and a scholarship to cover her NCLEX® exam fees. The NCLEX® is the licensure exam for nursing graduates in the U.S. and Canada.

Even with the various honors and opportunities, the most memorable experience has been the Aiken Tech community’s level of support and connection, said Hasan.

“They’re very supportive, from my professors to faculty advisors to fellow club members and students alike,” she said. “I’ve gotten nothing but support and encouragement from everyone since I’ve been here. So, it makes the journey that much easier.”

Reflecting on the decision to move her family from Canada to Aiken to pursue a nursing degree, she said it has “positively impacted everything.”

“I’m glad that I put my fears behind me and just took that jump in a different country to pursue my goals,” she said.

Hasan looks forward to completing her nursing degree in the spring of 2024 and starting the next chapter of her career by serving the community as a registered nurse.

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«February 2025»

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