
Metallica Scholar: Samantha Huff
Nikasha N Dicks
/ Categories: Press Releases

Metallica Scholar: Samantha Huff

Aiken resident Samantha Huff is a Metallica Scholar enrolled in computer technology programs at Aiken Technical College.

Age: 34

Employment: Child Nutrition Associate at Aiken County Public School District

What interests you about the subject matter?

“It’s mainly just the ability to do problem-solving. I know there are certain aspects of IT where you still have to have your customer service, but it’s not 100 percent, eight hours a day, back-to-back. … So I want something that’s going to grow, something I can learn, problem solve, do stuff like that.”

What does it mean to have tuition and fees covered?

“It’s a really big help because I think the courses are $2,500 and that’s not pocket change or anything. It makes it more accessible for people to grow in careers. I know there are a lot of free resources to do the training if you want on your own. But you don’t have the option to ask somebody who has experience in the field. If you have a question, you have to either look it up or hope whatever resource you’re using has some kind of Q&A section. But even without that, the Security+ test was $500. The A+ for both parts is $500. Network+ is $500. So that’s $1,500. But I think (covering) that cost really helps to get people out of bad situations or people who want to do something else in life to have a more stable schedule with their family. So, I think that’s really, really great.”

If you had to tell Metallica anything, if you could let them know, what would you want them to know about your experience?

“I think it’s really awesome what they’re doing. I just want to say thank you for the most part, because I wouldn’t be able to do half of what I’ve been doing currently if it weren’t for that and some other financial aid opportunities that I’ve been able to get for my degree. So it’s been a really big help and definitely thanks!”


For more information about the Metallica Scholars Initiative, visit  

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