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Blackboard Help

Currently enrolled students, please note:
All BlackBoard courses open on the FIRST day of class in the BlackBoard "My Courses" area. You will not be able to access your courses in your BlackBoard account in the My Courses box until the start date of the course.

Your Blackboard user name is the same as your MyATC user name. Generally, this is your last name plus your first initial, possibly followed by some numbers. If you need help, visit the Account Setup page.

Log into Blackboard on the first day of classes and click on your class. You should be taken to the “Announcements” page of your course. Read your instructor's announcement thoroughly and follow their directions. If you still have questions, e-mail or call your instructor. You should also thoroughly read the syllabus and ask your instructor anything that is unclear. In addition, clicking on each of the links on the left-hand menu and exploring each area will help you understand how the course is set up.

You can find easy-to-access links to Blackboard and to your MyATC Portal on the Student Resources page.  You may also access Blackboard from within the MyATC Portal.

Blackboard may also be accessed directly at

Do not wait for your instructor to contact you. Log onto Blackboard immediately. Our online courses are not self-paced. Online classes begin on the first day of the semester and end on the last day of the semester. Online classes have the same attendance policy as face-to-face courses.

If you enrolled before the start of the term, you should have access to your course on Blackboard on the first day of the term. If you added the course on or after the first day of the term, you may experience a delay of 48 hours before gaining access to Blackboard. If, after 48 hours, you are still unable to access Blackboard, send an email to:

In your message, include your name as it appears in the college records, your course number, your section number (e.g. HIS 101 067) and a telephone number where you may be reached.


Students access lessons and assignments through a web browser. Textbooks for some online courses also include a CD ROM with animations, movies and supplemental information. Textbooks and other required materials are available through the Aiken Technical College Bookstore located in the Gregg-Graniteville Student Activities Center (900 Building).

Not always. Students must verify that they purchase the textbook required for a course by its specific section number or by its specific syllabus.

Watch video tutorials at the YouTube channel: Blackboard Learn: For Students, look for the Online Learning Success Orientation in your Blackboard course list, and visit the Blackboard Help for Students web site linked from the Grades & Tools area of any course. 

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