Community Resources & Assistance

Aiken Technical College strongly believes in providing students with the tools they need to succeed. Our students' success is dependent on having the necessary resources to further and complete their education. Below is a list of resources throughout the community that can assist our students not only academically, but also during economic hardship. 

For further assistance, please contact ​ or CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment with a counselor. 





If you need assistance applying for benefits, claims representatives are available at 1-866-831-1724 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays.

SNAP (Food Stamps)

You may apply for SNAP and/or TANF benefits online, submit your completed application form in the secure, outside drop box at any county office, mail or fax your application.

  • To apply online, visit
  • To submit an application or renewal via fax, send to (803) 734-2012
  • If you need an application or a renewal form mailed to you, please call 1-800-616-1309

Blessing Boxes Info             

Listing of Habitat for Humanity Blessing boxes.  Here you can view a map of all blessing boxes in the area and search for one near you.

The ATC blessing box is on campus on the backside of the Student Activities Center in the Quad.       

SC        South Carolina Food Pantries | Food Banks, Food Pantries, Food Assistance in South Carolina

GA       Georgia Food Pantries | Food Banks, Food Pantries, Food Assistance in Georgia

Feeding America         U.S. Hunger Relief Organization | Feeding America

USDA Food & Nutrition Service (WIC)            Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) | Food and Nutrition Service (

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Area Churches Together Serving

   340 Park Ave SW
   Aiken, SC - 29801
   (803) 642-5919

Open for Client services from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Serves residents of Aiken School District Areas 1, 4, and 5 (Only part of Beech Island is served.)

3605 Richland Avenue
Aiken, SC - 29801
(803) 640-1708

Food boxes are distributed from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Tuesday and Thursday. A dinner is served from 6:00 to 6:30 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Primary Contact: Judy Floyd, Director, at (803) 641-3190. Alternate phones: New Ellenton (803) 652-2006; Second Line (803) 644-0705

Community Hope Center

   2558 Wagener Rd, Oasis Church
   Aiken, SC - 29803
   (803) 649-4447

Open from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Friday, and from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Serves residents of Aiken County. Contact Richard Goudy, Director of Support Services. Executive Director: Teresa Popham.

Redds Branch Baptist Church

   390 Redds Branch Rd.
   Aiken, SC - 29801
   (803) 648-3194

Please call for additional information regarding the food pantry.

Christ Central - New Ellenton

412 Main Street South
New Ellenton, SC - 29809
(803) 652-2006

Pantry Days/Hours 1st & 3rd Fridays ~ 10 am - 11 am 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 10 am - 11 am NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED Valid I.D. Needed

FACEBOOK ~ Christ Central New Ellenton, SC Services Offered at New Ellenton: Food and Clothing Distribution Life Skills and Adult Education Youth After-School Education and Mentoring.

Community Ministry of North Augusta

646 East Buena Vista Avenue
North Augusta, SC - 29861
(803) 279-5771

Open from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM, Wednesday through Saturday. Serves residents of the Area 2 School District, which covers most of North Augusta and Belvedere in Aiken County. Contact Nancy Joyce, Director.

Action Ministries - Augusta

   303 Hale Street
   Augusta, GA - 30903
   (706) 722-8195

Action Ministries - Augusta provides assistance to the homeless, those at risk of becoming   homeless, families who have lost their homes due to disasters, and those moving out  of temporary shelters. Their White Christmas program seeks to provide food and other  necessities to low income families.

Edgefield County Churches Helping Others

  300 Gray St
  Edgefield, SC - 29824
  (803) 637-5111

 Hours are from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon on Tuesday and Saturday. Primary Contact: Rev. Sallie B. Cooks, President,   at (803) 663-6539. Person in charge: Diane Stephens, Director, at  (803) 637- 6397 or

   Hayden Baptist Church

  175 Hayden Rd.
  Aiken, SC - 29802

 Hours of operation: 3rd Sat 9am-10am - Food Pantry

Mt Anna Baptist

   2612 Banks Mill Rd.
   Aiken, SC - 29803
  (803) 648-7017

  Hours of operation: Tues 10am-12pm - Food Pantry

New Beginnings CHC Church

   2464 Columbia Hwy North
   Aiken, SC - 29805
  (803) 502-0406

  Hours of operation: One Friday per month 9am-12pm - Food Pantry

New Life 7th Day Adventist

   804 Collins Ave.
   Aiken, SC - 29801

  Hours of operation: Thurs 11am-2pm - Food Pantry

   New Life Ministries of Aiken

  3104 Vaucluse Road
  Aiken, SC - 29801
  (803) 641-1511

  For more information, please call.

Old Zion Hill Baptist

  1167 Lincoln Ave.
  AIken, SC - 29801
 (803) 257-5603

 Hours of operation: On Call - Food Pantry

Rehoboth Temple

  40 Old Bath Lake Rd.
  Aiken, SC - 29801
 (803) 642-4367

 Hours of operation: On Call - Food Pantry

Second Baptist Church of Aiken

  425 Hampton Ave. NW
  Aiken, SC - 29801
  (803) 649-2665

 Food pantry open from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon on Saturday.  

  3925 Shiloh Church Road
  Aiken, SC - 29805
  (803) 648-0578

 Open from 9:00 to 11:00 AM on the third Saturday of the month.

  Southside Free Will Baptist

 1411 E. Pine Log Rd.
 Aiken, SC - 29803
 (803) 514-2585

 Food pantry open from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Sunday and Wednesday. Alternate phone: (803) 644-8005.

St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church

138 Fairfield St. SE
Aiken, SC - 29801
(803) 642-3211

St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church Food pantry opens from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Please call ahead for an appointment. Must be a resident of the city of Aiken, School District Area 1. Provides food once every six weeks. Additional languages: Spanish. Contact: Tom Grillo, President.

Unity Holiness Church

1615 Edgefield Hwy
Aiken, SC - 29801
(803) 644-9417

Alternate phone: (803)649-2392. Food pantry is open on call.

Williams Chapel Church of God

212 Abbeville Ave. NE
Aiken, SC - 29801
(803) 649-2318

Food pantry open from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Friday.

Rocky Springs Baptist Church

1000 New Holland Rd.
Aiken, SC - 29805
(803) 649-5457

Food pantry on call.

Salvation Army of Aiken

322 Gayle Ave NW
Aiken, SC - 29802
(803) 641-4141

Open from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Thursday, and from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon on Friday.

Feed My Sheep Soup Kitchen Inc

354 Edgefield Rd
North Augusta, SC 29841

Golden Harvest Food Bank  - Augusta

3310 Commerce Dr
Augusta, GA - 30909
(706) 736-1199

The Mission Of Golden Harvest Food Bank Is To End Hunger In The Central Savannah River Area. Golden Harvest Will End Hunger By: -Gathering The Food, Financial, And Volunteer Resources Necessary To Feed The Hungry In Our Communities -Distributing Grocery Products To Every Area Of Need In Every County

Golden Harvest Food Bank was founded in 1982 and operates three warehouse distribution sites (Augusta, GA, Aiken, SC, and Liberty, SC). Through more than 284,760 family visits in FY2008, Golden Harvest Food Bank distributed more than 10.7 million pounds of food. Golden Harvest is a locally-supported, charitable food distribution center that provides grocery products to the hungry.

   Golden Harvest Food Bank - Aiken

   13 Enterprise Ave
   Aiken, SC 29803
   (803) 648-0752

Johnston Food Bank

285 Lanier Rd
Johnston, SC 29832

Following is a link to the main page of Homeless Shelter Directory.  This link will bring you to a map of the entire United States where you can search for homeless shelters.  You first click on the state and then will be given a list of cities.  We are listing the active listings for the CSRA below but this is just a small list of what’s available.

Many of these shelters now have waiting lists. Please call before going to them. Many waiting lists are very long. Shelters and service also go out of business. Always call ahead to confirm that this location is still active.

SC Stay Plus: South Carolina’s Rent and Utility Assistance Program

City of Aiken Housing Authority:

100 Rogers Terrace
Aiken, SC 29802
(803) 649-6673

Salvation Army Shelter - MACH

604 Park Avenue
Aiken, SC 29802
For individuals and families with documented need for housing. Providing crisis intervention and case management. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Accepts: Up to 10 days for men, women, and families.  Must have ID.

Mt. Salem Outreach Mission

2534 Augusta Rd
Gloverville, SC 29828
803 593-2276

Check in time 4pm-6pm, Office hours are from 9am-3 pm. Men can stay everyday no limit. Mt. SALEM'S soup kitchen will be at 2444 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Graniteville, SC 29829. Monday- Friday 11am-2pm.

Augusta Rescue Mission

526 Walker Street
Augusta, GA 30901

Overnight Guest Program homeless men benefit daily from hot meals, showers, clothing, safe sleeping facilities and chapel services, while in transition free of charge!

The Augusta Rescue Mission provides free holiday meals to those in need in the downtown area, including homebound individuals who cannot come to the Mission to receive assistance. In addition, ARM is prepared to provide food to families referred to the Mission by the Department of Family and Children Services.

Garden City Rescue Mission

828 Fenwick St
Augusta, GA 30901
(706) 724-6960
We are the largest emergency homeless shelter in the CSRA! We have a Men's Division that houses 50+ men. We also have a Women & Children's Division for Mothers with children ages 6 and under. Both are open 7 days a week!

The Salvation Army Center of Hope Shelter

1384 Greene Street
Augusta, GA 30901

For individuals and families with documented need for housing. Providing crisis intervention and case management. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A hot evening meal is available 365 days a year to anyone in the community who needs dinner. Dinner is served at the Center of Hope from 5:30pm to 5:50pm Monday- Saturday, and from 4:00pm to 4:20pm on Sundays. Available at our Center of Hope.

1739 Fenwick Street
Augusta, GA 30904

We are Georgia's only drop-in Day Center for the homeless. We are located at 1739 Fenwick St. in the historic Harrisburg neighborhood of Augusta, Ga.

We do NOT charge our clients for any of the services we offer.  The Day Center on Fenwick St. provides services to the homeless and under housed (usually no utilities) and low income individuals and families. The center is a safe place, out of the weather with access to hot/cold food, showers and laundry use.  The Fenwick Street Center also has a case management team to assist in preventing or ending homelessness. We have an active caseload of 1,500 individuals and families.

Family Promise of Augusta

2177 Central Avenue
Augusta, GA 30904
Assistance for homeless families with children. Also provides transitional housing. Waiting list. Call for details. The Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHNA) service programs are formed from many already existing programs and resources in the local area.

Head of the Giant Ministry Shelter

2136 Circular Dr
Augusta, GA 30903
Head of the Giant Ministries provides emergency housing, transient housing, job training, job placement, Christian teaching, GED preparation, VA referral, and SSI benefit assistance to those who are in need within the CSRA.

Intake is from 9-5pm. Guest are allowed up to 90 days stay. Must have shelter clearance pass. Mothers must show proof of guardianship of children. Men's intake upon appointment.

How to Access MyATC Wi-Fi:
  1. Access Wi-Fi connections from your mobile device or laptop.
  2. Select “MyATC Wi-Fi” from the available networks.
  3. Once connected, open your browser of choice, type in a web address, and the “MyATC Wi-Fi” login screen will appear.
  4. Faculty, staff, and students must login using their MyATC Account credentials (username/password) normally used to access computers on campus.
  • Midland Valley Church of the Nazarene – parking lot access – 3526 Jefferson Davis Highway, Graniteville, SC 29829 – 803.593.3114
  • Spectrum Broadband to Households (60days): 844.488.8395
  • Comcast/Xfinity, AT&T have Hotspots
    • AT&T, Sprint, & Comcast are all lifting data caps on wireless data plan for 60 days
  • Comcast/Xfinity Hotspot Finder:

  • Aiken Map of Free Wi-Fi Hotspots:

Ways to find Wi-Fi hotspots
Use an app.

There are a number of smartphone and web apps that can be used to help find hotspots. Some of the more popular include Wefi, Wi-Fi Map (iOS and Android). These apps use crowdsourced data to build global hotspot maps. Wi-Fi Map is especially impressive, with over 100 million hotspots in its database.

Wi-Fi Space is a good web app, so it can be used from your laptop, which can be handy if you’d rather not hunt for a hotspot on a tiny screen.

Visit restaurants and cafes.

It’s actually becoming rare to find a restaurant that doesn’t offer free Wi-Fi. But in case you’re not sure, most will have a sign in the window letting you know. Coffee shops make great spots for a couple hours of studying or work outside the office. Starbucks and McDonald’s are two major chains known for their hotspots, but even small mom-and-pop coffee shops have them too.

Ask your ISP.

Many ISPs (Internet Service Providers) offer hotspot networks for customers to use when they’re out. This includes most of the big names, like Cox, Spectrum, and Xfinity. These hotspots are free to connect to, but you’ll need to enter the account name and password you use with your ISP to actually get online, so they’re usable only for subscribers.

Plus, there are tons of them—Xfinity claims there are millions of hotspots in its network. This makes Xfinity hotspots a nice perk because not only are they readily available, but they’re also more reliable and secure. Xfinity even offers a convenient app to locate hotspots near you, available for iOS and Android.

Turn your phone into a mobile hotspot.

Most smartphones offer a mobile hotspot feature that allows you to share your phone’s cellular internet connection with other devices. The upside to this is that you have a secure hotspot with you pretty much wherever you have cell service—no need to hunt down a good connection. The downside is that many cell providers limit hotspot usage and charge additional fees to get more.

Turning your phone into a hotspot is usually super easy. For iPhones, just go to Settings > Personal Hotspot and toggle it on. For Android devices, it’s not quite as straightforward but still not bad: Settings > Network & Internet > Hotspot & Tethering > Wi-Fi Hotspot. Keep in mind this may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. You can also change the network name and password if you’d like to customize it more.


The purpose of the Aiken Technical College (ATC) Laptop Lending Program is to provide a mobile computer resource to those students who may not own a laptop computer and are in need of computer resources for College related projects. Laptop computer for all eligible ATC students must be checked out from the Library circulation desk in room 1001. Hours during which laptop computers can be checked out are limited to Library normal hours of operation. 

Students may contact the Circulation Desk located in the ATC Library (Room 1001), at 803-508-7430. Laptops must be checked out from the ATC Library, and students will need to provide a form of identification when loaning a laptop (student ID preferred).

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) |

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Aiken Technical College students may now apply for emergency funds from the ATC Student Emergency Support Fund. The funding is provided by the ATC Foundation.

Students can apply online by clicking HERE. It is best to use a Google Chrome browser to complete the application. If students have a problem submitting their application, they may contact ATC Foundation Director  Beth LaClair at or Dean of Student Success & Retention Crystal Ratliff at

A student may be awarded up to $250 in emergency funds, once per fiscal year (July 1-June 30). The following needs will be considered for funding:

  • Food
  • Housing
  • Medical
  • Utilities
  • Technology
  • Other needs will be considered as deemed appropriate and necessary to help the student to continue their education at Aiken Technical College

Minimum criteria:

  • Must be enrolled at ATC
  • Must have at least a 2.0 GPA
  • Must have recently earned six credit hours within the last two semesters

Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. Those applying for funds will be notified within three business days with a decision (approved or denied).

SC Child Care Early Care & Education SC Child Care Services

Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning     GA Decal Bright from the Start

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