Appointments for DSST exams must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Schedule a testing appointment by visiting https://www.registerblast.com/atctesting.
DSST Credit by Exam
Your experiences may well qualify you for college credit. The nationally recognized DSST Program allows you to receive college credits for learning acquired outside the traditional classroom, perhaps from reading, on the job training, or independent study. DSST's offer students a cost effective, time saving way to use their knowledge acquired outside of the classroom to accomplish their educational goals.
There are over 30 test titles in the areas of Social Science, Business, Mathematics, Technology, Humanities, and Physical Science. For more information, free practice test and resources, visit getcollegecredit.com.
Aiken Technical College does not currently award credit for DSST, but the Academic Testing Center is an open testing facility and administers these tests for students of other institutions. Before you take a DSST, consult with your institution/advisor to be sure the test fits your curriculum.
The fee to take a DSST exam is $120 total - $40 (non-refundable) payable to Aiken Technical College due when booking the appointment and $85 payable to DSST on test day.
To register, you will need to call the ATC Test Center 24 hours in advance to schedule. You will to come to the Learning Commons, Room 1001L to complete payment for the proctor, then your testing will be administered during the testing hours listed on the right.