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Criminal Justice

A background in criminal justice improves skills and expands career opportunities for those working in a wide range of positions, from police officer and investigators to mental health counselors and court clerks.

We offer two associate degree tracks.

The Associate in Applied Science—Criminal Justice

This program is for students currently working in the criminal justice field who either want to attain an associated degree or who ultimately want to transfer to a senior institution.

The Associate in Art—Criminal Justice Transfer

This program is for the student not currently working in the field who plans to transfer to a four-year university to complete a bachelor’s degree.

Police Pre-Academy Training Certificate

Aiken Technical College also offers a Police Pre-Academy Training Certificate program. The program provides a simple path to becoming a law enforcement officer. Candidates first apply to the college and complete the 14-week certificate program. Over the 14 weeks, candidates will learn basic and introductory law enforcement training, tactics, and procedures. In total, they will complete four courses totaling 12 credit hours that can apply toward the 66 credits required to earn an associate degree should candidates decide to further their studies.

Next, candidates secure employment with a South Carolina law enforcement agency within one year. Once employment is secured, candidates must pass a cumulative exam and physical assessment test administered by the SC Criminal Justice Academy. If candidates pass the exam and physical assessment test, they complete an eight-week training program at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy in Columbia.

Once these steps are complete, candidates are ready to begin their career as a certified law enforcement officer in South Carolina.


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